Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Tom and Bob Are Bad Dates



I find it amusing that at some point they were charming JUST enough to get the female spiders to go out with them in the first place. I thought it would be neat to put musical notes in the dialog where they're singing karaoke songs, and it was more difficult that I imagined. I downloaded and installed the Musica font which had the notes, but I couldn't find the letters that made the notes. Luckily there was an example file with the font so I could copy-pasta the notes onto the dialog. That was a long way to go for a really boring story about copying and pasting a few wing dings. Thanks for listening!

The song Bob is singing is "Steal My Sunshine" by Len. 

Enjoy. And as always, sweet dreams.

Carlos Diaz
June 26, 2024

Monday, June 3, 2024

Tom and Bob Work for Boeing


I dedicate this week's spider fun to all my DoD peeps out there! I used to work for companies that developed computer tutorial software for the military, basically making all the computer simulation  training that soldiers, sailors, and flyboys have to complete in order to do the stuff for real real in their jobs. And all that training software has to be checked for quality assurance ("QA") by the steadfast men and women who work in those companies. There were times I had to step in and do quality assurance myself, it is a demanding job and the documentation for it is not totally completely wholly absolutely unlike Tom and Bob's experience above! Though, suggestions for airplane nose art were correctly absent from those QA sessions. Luckily for us, Bob is really motivated! 

Side note, is Tom and Bob working for Boeing somehow a socio-political commentary on the military-industrial complex and the culture of developing high tech and cutting costs resulting in catastrophic and often deadly consequences? That's up to you. I just think it's funny that spiders are working on computer stuff! 

Enjoy. And as always, sweet dreams.

Carlos Diaz
June 3rd, 2024

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Tom and Bob are Happy for Jose


UPDATE as of 6/9/2024
Sooooo, it seems that the link to this episode was broken and nobody told me!! I found out while I was testing some of the episode links. Somehow, the permalink to this episode was not written correctly or accidentally changed by me, though I don't honestly remember it's always possible, and no one would be able to see it, just a cold message that the page is borked. Well, damn. That's aggravating. I'm sure I'm not the first content creator who's run into this sort of thing. It became equally aggravating when I changed the  permalink and saw that the links to this episode were globally changed in each other episode, and they STILL didn't work!! The issue only finally resolved itself when I manually reset the link to this episode in each page. I don't know, maybe Blogger should look at that or something. Anyway, for those of you who were disappointed in seeing an error message instead of spiders being awesome and stuff, it works now. Have a good one!

I just can't even. Enjoy the referential humor!

As always, sweet dreams.

Carlos Diaz

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Tom Is Slightly Upset


Hello, friends!  A lot has happened in the past few months, some of it really bad, but mostly good.  I’m turning a new, creative leaf and I’m using my new-found excitement for life in general back to making things, especially spider comics!  A lot of this episode of Tom and Bob involves some referential humor from previous episodes; Bob’s highly dysfunctional relationship with Cindy and Tom’s inexplicable obsession with HBO’s “True Blood”, which explains why he was so upset with Bob overwriting his DVR.

True Blood’s season premiere was last Sunday night, and I can say I was sincerely underwhelmed.  This is the last season of the show that I detailed in Tom and Bob #4, but I was not excited about it.  I always considered the show to be campy fun while being hyper gory monster on monster action.  But for some reason, it wasn’t nearly as fun, just…depressing.  Oh, sure, lots of vampires meeting a gruesome end, but the storyline in general was just meh.  I don’t care.  Once again, the show tries to make the Sookie romance angle do all the heavy lifting, but I just so sincerely don’t care.  It was boring, not very compelling, and just plain bad.  Maybe the show will pick up, maybe it won’t.  All I know is Season 5 of Game of Thrones isn’t until next April, so I have to wait!  Speaking of which…

I love Game of Thrones.  Season 4 just ended last week, and now I feel the vacuum left behind last Sunday and every Sunday for the next 10 months or so.  The theme picture for this episode of Tom and Bob comes from a site that no longer exists called beautifuldeath.com, which was an amazing site where after each episode of Game of Thrones, a thematic poster is made that highlights a key aspect of that episode.  I did manage to find another site that is showing all the posters, however. They’re spectacular! The one in particular I used was from season three, episode nine, “Red Wedding”. 


For those of you who’ve seen it or heard of it or have been inundated with references to it, that episode of Game of Thrones featured the savage deaths of MANY central characters during the eponymous wedding.  I’m pretty sure the internet melted down that night with distraught fans voicing their displeasure.  I apologize if I spoiled that for anyone who is currently working their way through Game of Thrones, but I think I’ve been vague enough to not let any real spoilers get through.  Tom’s final declaration is an homage to that and my love for the show.  

Have fun, kids!

Enjoy. And as always, sweet dreams.

Carlos Diaz
June 26th, 2014