Sunday, June 30, 2013

Bob Liked The Smell of Tom's Shampoo


I wasn't going to be dissuaded.  Bob had to have the last heave of the conversation.  To me, that was the punchline.  The way I have the templates set up in Photoshop, there wasn't a lot of room for variation, which is my fault.  When I started this whole endeavor, I created some templates in Photoshop for a certain number of characters per template, not really thinking ahead to the number of lines in each episode.  I've been able to adjust in previous ones, but I found myself templated into a corner this time around.

For this episode, I couldn't fit all five spiders onto the biggest template I had for the last panel, and I didn't want to pad it out any further with useless or unfunny dialog, lest the comedy lose it's viability, in order to fit another 3 or 4 spider panel.  There are five more things that needed to be said by Tom and Bob, the last being Bob puking volcanically.  And dammit, that's what's going to happen!  So I had to make a single-spider template so he could puke with abandon.  I don't think it detracts from the flow of the episode, but then again, I may be way over thinking all this, anyway...

I saw Star Trek: Into the Darkness the other night, and I absolutely loved it!  Abrams successfully transferred the characterizations of the younger, beloved characters we've grown up with many years ago into the second movie in this franchise.  There are too many spoilers that would be revealed by going any further into plot, but suffice to say, they went out of their way to pay homage to the original Star Trek series and movies.  Sometimes, outright update!  Zachary Quinto practically channels the very essence of Spock, maybe even better than Nimoy, himself!  Chris Pine's Kirk seems even more larger than life, and a bit taller.  I couldn't put my finger on it, but it seems like every camera angle was set to make him look about three inches taller than he did in the first movie.  Regardless of how you feel about the original Captain Kirk and/or William Shatner (we already know how T&B feel...), and I was a fan, I think Chris Pine does an admirable job of conveying the cocky, swashbuckling star fleet captain.  McCoy, Scotty, Uhura, and even the Cumberbatch's villain, were all also outstanding.  I've been a huge fan of Abrams version of the Star Trek world, and from the looks of it, they've set up at least another three movies worth of plot lines in this one.  

Enjoy. And as always, sweet dreams.

Carlos Diaz
June 28th, 2013

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