Friday, May 17, 2013

Tom and Bob Don't Like William Shatner


I'm constantly horrified yet endlessly fascinated by stories of the J'ba Fofi, or giant spiders.  The giant spider in Texas turned out to be a hoax...or so we hope!  

The most rewarding thing about doing something like a comic is watching it come alive. In some ways, I feel less like a writer and more like an observer, just chronicling my characters' adventures. The first comic, like most serial writing projects, establishes the characters, who they are and how they act, to some degree. But as you do more, you begin to get a feel for how these characters think and act and react to situations. 

While I had a basic idea down for Tom and Bob, I didn't have any real clue as to how their individual personalities would play out. They both started kind of on the same level, same motivations, same outlook. But it was here, even as early as the second episode, that I began to get a true feel for how Tom and Bob are as individuals; how they interact with one another, their offbeat friendship, their hobbies, and their predilections. It was an exciting moment for me, because I recognized this transformation as I wrote it...nay, observed it! 

Tom and Bob turned the corner from a somewhat amusing concept to a fully realized characterization; from amusing gag to quirky observational humor. Even their names were chosen specifically, because I thought it would be funny that such outlandish characters had very mundane names. I've carried on that tradition with all the characters in this comic; all their names are mundane and unassuming, which makes it even funnier to me that they're spiders! Spiders talking about decidedly non-spidery things like making movies with William Shatner.

Enjoy. And as always, sweet dreams.

Carlos Diaz
May 17th, 2013

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